[cs_content][cs_element_section _id=”1″ ][cs_element_layout_row _id=”2″ ][cs_element_layout_column _id=”3″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”4″ ][cs_content_seo]Could Your Hidden Beliefs or Feelings Be Holding You Back
from Greater Financial, Relationship, Career or Life Success?\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”5″ ][cs_content_seo]If so, Psychology of Money can make an important difference for you.\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”6″ ][cs_content_seo]The American Psychological Association’s annual surveys reveal that since 2008 money has been the number one stressor for Americans…\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”7″ ][cs_content_seo]But it doesn’t have to be that way for you or your family.\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”8″ ][cs_content_seo]Contact Us for a Free 20 Minute Initial Consultation – $100 value\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”9″ ][cs_content_seo]We specialize in providing coaching, psychotherapy and money therapy help you to:\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_icon_list id=”home-page-list” _bp_base=”4_4″ style=”margin-top:15px;font-size:15px;”][cs_icon_list_item title=”Develop key life skills like Prosperity Thinking and Empathy” type=”check” icon_color=”hsl(0, 87%, 45%)” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#” link_new_tab=”false” _bp_base=”4_4″]Develop key life skills like Prosperity Thinking and Empathy[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item title=”Overcome limiting beliefs and self-sabotage” type=”check” icon_color=”hsl(0, 87%, 45%)” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#” link_new_tab=”false” _bp_base=”4_4″]Overcome limiting beliefs and self-sabotage[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item title=”Enhance your relationship with money” type=”check” icon_color=”hsl(0, 87%, 45%)” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#” link_new_tab=”false” _bp_base=”4_4″]Enhance your relationship with money[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item title=”Improve personal relationships” type=”check” icon_color=”hsl(0, 87%, 45%)” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#” link_new_tab=”false” _bp_base=”4_4″]Improve personal relationships[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item title=”Reduce stress, worry and depression” type=”check” icon_color=”hsl(0, 87%, 45%)” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#” link_new_tab=”false” _bp_base=”4_4″]Reduce stress, worry and depression[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item title=”Navigate family conflicts” type=”check” icon_color=”hsl(0, 87%, 45%)” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#” link_new_tab=”false” _bp_base=”4_4″]Navigate family conflicts[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item title=”Succeed with life transitions” type=”check” icon_color=”hsl(0, 87%, 45%)” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#” link_new_tab=”false” _bp_base=”4_4″]Succeed with life transitions[/cs_icon_list_item][/cs_icon_list][cs_element_headline _id=”18″ ][cs_content_seo]We also do proprietary training for financial service and mental health professionals.\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”19″ ][cs_content_seo]What is Psychology of Money?\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”20″ ][cs_content_seo]The psychology of money is how our beliefs, expectations, and feelings influence our financial behavior, success, and disappointment. This means that financial success is an “inside job” and is more determined by what’s between our ears and inside our hearts than what’s on the outside.\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”21″ ][cs_content_seo]The psychology of money helps us to become more aware of our money scripts, how we may be sabotaging ourselves and how we can re-write those scripts to create more success. Although Psychology of Money emphasizes money, the same mindset that creates financial success also creates success in relationships, career, health, lifestyle, etc.\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”22″ ][cs_content_seo]Watch Dr. Gottfurcht’s CNN interview on Anderson Cooper to discover more:\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_video _id=”23″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”24″ ][cs_content_seo]In areas of recurring stress, we all have a tendency to repeat or rebel against the way we were raised. Since money has so many powerful symbolic meanings such as security, freedom, power, ego, control, acceptance/rejection, etc., our early upbringing often creates strong emotions and irrational behavior. That’s why, despite the size of our portfolio, nest egg, or income, almost everyone has psychological challenges with money.\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”25″ ][cs_content_seo]Lasting success and fulfillment depend upon what Dr. Gottfurcht describes as developing a Prosperity Thinking and abundant state of mind while reducing Poverty Thinking and scarcity.\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”26″ ][cs_content_seo]We coach locally, nationally, and globally with people from all walks of life. We also provide individual, couples, and family psychotherapy and workshops for people who can come to our Brentwood (Los Angeles) office.\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”27″ ][cs_content_seo]For over 30 years, Dr. James Gottfurcht, Founder and President of Psychology of Money Consultants, has been a licensed clinical psychologist, licensed marriage and family therapist, and UCLA Extension Instructor. He is also a Board Certified Coach specializing in money, relationships and life.\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_headline _id=”28″ ][cs_content_seo]If you are interested in coaching or psychotherapy, call for a complimentary phone consultation at 310-828-1818 or email Dr. Gottfurcht at psychmoney@aol.com\n\n[/cs_content_seo][/cs_element_layout_column][cs_element_layout_column _id=”29″ ][cs_element_image _id=”30″ ][cs_element_image _id=”31″ ][cs_element_layout_div _id=”32″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”33″ ][cs_content_seo]Testimonials\n\n[/cs_content_seo][/cs_element_layout_div][cs_element_layout_div _id=”34″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”35″ ][cs_content_seo]Dr. James W. Gottfurcht spoke to members of the L A Chapter of California Assoc. of Marriage and Family Therapists about psychology of money and helped over 100 of us learn about6 psychological money traps that interfere with rational financial behavior. He also showed what they could do to help clients to successfully navigate them.
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Lynne Azpeitia
MFT – L A Chapter of California Assoc. of Marriage and Family Therapists
Dr. James Gottfurcht is a superb teacher of empathy. I have been fortunate to have taken some of his courses, and my life has been enriched. If this were Amazon.com or Trip Advisor, I would give Dr. Gottfurcht’s courses five stars.
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Sheldon Wolf, M.D.,
Los Angeles, CA\n\n[/cs_content_seo][/cs_element_layout_div][cs_element_layout_div _id=”36″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”37″ ][cs_content_seo]Newsletter\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_layout_div_2 _id=”38″ ][cs_element_image _id=”39″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”40″ ][cs_content_seo]Sign Up Here\n\n[/cs_content_seo][/cs_element_layout_div_2][/cs_element_layout_div][cs_element_layout_div _id=”41″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”42″ ][cs_content_seo]Media / Keynote Talks\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_layout_div_2 _id=”43″ ][cs_element_image _id=”44″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”45″ ][cs_content_seo]Watch Psychology of Money Videos on YouTube\n\n[/cs_content_seo][/cs_element_layout_div_2][/cs_element_layout_div][cs_element_layout_grid _id=”46″ ][cs_element_layout_cell _id=”47″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”48″ ][cs_content_seo]Newsletter\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_image _id=”49″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”50″ ][cs_content_seo]Sign Up Here\n\n[/cs_content_seo][/cs_element_layout_cell][cs_element_layout_cell _id=”51″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”52″ ][cs_content_seo]Media / Keynote Talks\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_image _id=”53″ ][cs_element_headline _id=”54″ ][cs_content_seo]Watch Psychology of Money Videos on YouTube\n\n[/cs_content_seo][/cs_element_layout_cell][/cs_element_layout_grid][/cs_element_layout_column][/cs_element_layout_row][/cs_element_section][/cs_content]